Sagging Skin

Sagging Skin 101
As we age, collagen production slows and the skin’s underlying structure breaks down and stops renewing itself as quickly as it once did. This can cause our skin to lose definition, volume, and resilience, resulting in unsightly sagging.
Treatment for Sagging Skin
Sagging skin is treatable through several treatment options like Thermi-RF, Sculptra, Bellafill, Halo resurfacing, contour resurfacing, and threadlifts. Each procedure can tone and tighten the skin with minimal downtime and discomfort. Our knowledgeable team at Contour Medical will help you determine which treatment option is best for you and your wellness.

Most Popular Procedures for Sagging Skin
Emface lifts the jaw, cheek and brow to affect both the skin and muscles at the same time.
NuEra Tight
The NuEra Tight uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deep subcutaneous fat while simultaneously cooling the outer layer of skin.
Bellafill is the longest-lasting filler approved by the FDA for volume correction and acne scar reduction.
Halo Resurfacing
The Halo is a laser resurfacing technology that reduces pore size, improves texture and fine lines, and reduces sun damage.